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1 :禁断の名無しさん : 2022/02/25(金) 22:36:20 ID:bE36Cu1A0

3 :禁断の名無しさん : 2022/02/25(金) 23:10:28 ID:Fv+qjfNk0
Dreaded "Family Night" at the Y

Taken from Yahoo! - Omaha community blog

William Casey, Omaha, NE 2003

I grew up near downtown Omaha in the 1950s. I believe it was about 1952 when I was just about to turn 13,
my mom insisted I take the YMCA class for boys to learn to swim.
The downtown Y was the old one prior to moving to 20th Street in 1969. It was a cold building and I remember constantly shivering,
which was worsened by having to swim in the nude,
which was typical of all YMCA classes for boys back then. Although I was well into puberty,
my smaller size for that age put me in the swim class with the 11 and 12-year-olds,
which was fine for me as I was the biggest in the group.

Swimming bare-assed naked in those swim classes was not such a big deal, particularly since a lot of us didn't have swimming trunks.
But what I and the other boys were not prepared for was the final day when we were to be tested for our YMCA swimming badge.

Notifications were sent to all families such that they could come and watch their boys earn their certificates.
My father was overseas due to the war, and mom worked nights, so I was alone
Perhaps it was due to the younger age group I was assigned, but no one saw any issue with us
boys marching out into the pool area stark naked with all the boys' families in the bleachers watching.

4 :禁断の名無しさん : 2022/02/25(金) 23:10:48 ID:Fv+qjfNk0
As I walked into the pool area, I was horrified to see the sisters of some of the boys that were actually in my 7th grade class staring right at me.
Upon seeing me standing there facing them completely naked,
one giggled and elbowed another and when their eyes dropped down to look at my genitals, I swear I wanted to run back into the locker room.
Unfortunately, we had a gruff instructor who yelled constantly,
and the last think I wanted was the added humiliation of him harshly scolding me as I stood there in the nude in front of these girls.
He even had us line up for roll call between the bleachers and the pool with all the boys standing at attention
facing the families that came, who were packed in the bleachers like sardines. So I bucked up and stood there facing
these girls just a few feet in front of me as the looked down to see me in all my glory.
And rather than allowing the boys to get into the water to preserve whatever dignity was left,
he told us to continue to stand by the pool as each group of boys completed their swimming tests.
Thank God I passed as it would have been salt in the wound to have the added humiliation of failing my test in front of the girls.

I saw the girls later in school, and although there were some smiles like a sly cat, no one ever mentioned it.
I still can't understand why families were allowed into the pool area, but things were very different in those days.
Boys openly being seen nude almost common back then, not like it is today. Regardless, it was every bit as embarrassing for me then.

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